All US Business Contacts in One Accessible Resource
  • Target business decision makers everywhere they consume content via postal, business email, programmatic display, LinkedIn, Facebook and CTV. This single dataset gives you unlimited reach into the US business marketplace.
  • Replace fragmented data sources and gain access to our extensive 110 million B2B contact records. With B2B Continuum, you'll have a complete view of the US business contact landscape including company phones, direct dial phones, mobile phones, business email addresses, job titles, postal addresses, and more. Contact data updated monthly from scores of direct sources.
  • Build your in-house contact dataset with accurate and up-to-date information, allowing you to engage with decision-makers and influencers across various industries and job functions.
  • Realize significant digital advertising data cost savings with B2B Continuum. By licensing our data for a one-year duration, you can save up to 50% on your current programmatic audience data costs.
  • LinkedIn profiles included
    • Complete Education Histories available
    • Complete Work Histories available
  • Total Contact Count:
  • Total Company Count:
  • Company Phones:
  • Direct Dial Phones:
  • Unique Job Titles:
  • LinkedIn Profiles

** Dataset refreshed monthly

Audience datasets are optimized for programmatic onboarding and matching.
  • First Name, Last Name
  • Job Title
  • Seniority
  • Department
  • Direct Dial Phone (where available)
  • Mobile Phone (where available)
  • Personal postal addresses (where available)
  • Business Email address
  • Mobile device IDs (MAIDs)
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Email Address Delivery MX status