All US Consumer Contacts in a Single Dataset
  • Dynamic Email Marketing: Engage customers directly with personalized email campaigns that leverage up-to-date email addresses. Our monthly updates allow you to quickly adapt to changes in consumer data, keeping your communication relevant and timely.
  • Enhanced Programmatic Display: Deploy sophisticated programmatic display campaigns across digital platforms. Utilize our detailed demographic and behavioral data to fine-tune your ad targeting, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement with your most valuable audience segments.
  • Multi-Channel Outreach: Seamlessly integrate your marketing efforts across channels including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Connected TV (CTV). Our dataset provides the comprehensive insights needed to create a consistent and compelling message across all platforms.
  • Social Media Advertising: Maximize the impact of your social media advertising by targeting users based on detailed demographic and psychographic data. Tailor your messages on platforms like Facebook and Instagram for higher engagement and conversion.
  • Real-Time Movement Tracking: Stay ahead of consumer mobility with monthly updates that track address changes, allowing you to create delta files for people who have moved or altered their contact information. This feature is crucial for maintaining the accuracy of your outreach and reducing contact redundancy.
  • Strategic Market Analysis: Use our comprehensive dataset for in-depth market analysis, enabling you to identify trends, assess market potential, and plan more effective marketing strategies tailored to the nuances of different consumer segments.
  • Optimized Telephone Outreach: Utilize our comprehensive personal and mobile phone datasets for impactful telephone campaigns. B2C Continuum provides fresh, direct dial numbers monthly, enhancing customer engagement and conversion rates through personalized communication.
  • Total Contact Count:
  • Unique Postal Addresses:
  • Personal Phones:
  • Mobile Phones:
  • Home Owners:
  • Have Children:
  • Married:

** Dataset refreshed monthly

Audience datasets are optimized for programmatic onboarding and matching.

  • First Name, Last Name
  • Personal Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Home Postal Address
  • Email Address
  • Gender
  • Age Range
  • Marital Status
  • Income
  • Assets
  • Children
  • Home Ownership
  • Mobile Device IDs (MAIDs)
  • Last Date Contact Seen